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Helping you become a stronger version of yourself


Membership Types & Rates:


Individual: $35/month

Couple: $55/month 

Family of 3: $80/month

Family of 4: $100/month

Senior Citizen/Veteran: $30/month 



6 Months Pre-Paid: $192

1 Year Pre-Paid: $336

*Enrollment Fee $20.00 - Stronger Version Fitness Center is open 24 hours

Personal code for after-hour entry

Fitness Classes are free with membership

Security cameras on site for member's safety 

Senior Citizens are age 55 or older





Adam Rodman 


Certified Personal Trainer
Correctional Exercise Training 

I have over 8 years of experience and have helped many people get on track to a healthy lifestyle and meet their goals. Along with that I have gone through some physical transformations myself. I have competed in powerlifting and bodybuilding competitions, along with running a half marathon! All of these events have made me a better trainer to help you with whatever your goal may be. I believe we all can be stronger versions of ourselves with the right health and fitness coaching and motivation. Any questions feel free to contact me.


Jason Lynch


Hello and Welcome to Every Bodies Fitness!

My name is Jason Lynch, Owner and NASM Certified Personal Trainer. I am married to a beautiful and supportive wife (Linda Lynch) of 30 years with four wonderful daughters Alexa, Serenity, Allison and Jaylin and four Grandchildren with a 5th on the way. This is my motivation to stay in peak physical shape while keeping my health at the highest possible level.

My journey started three years ago when I was 253 pounds, out of shape, depressed and embarrassed to take my shirt off in public. I never felt so ashamed in my life. Then, one day a seemingly harmless, but brutally honest comment by my 7-year old daughter about my physical appearance changed my life. Three years later, 70 pounds lighter and a physique to be proud of…I am back!

I surrounded myself with the right support team, a NASM Certified Trainer and competed in two bodybuilding competitions. In 2021 I competed in and won the Master’s Division at the Minnesota Mayhem Pro/Am Bodybuilding Championship.

All while simultaneously training, working and studying I obtained my NASM Certified Trainer Certificate.

Today, I train others on similar journeys to a healthier lifestyle, while helping them become the absolute best version of the person they want to be.

Sara Mitchell 


SLAM It Fitness
Certified Personal Trainer


Mandy Haenel 


Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Behavior Change Specialist

As a formerly obese, sedentary, smoker, I know the real-life struggles my clients face - I faced them and beat them, too. Yearning to be the best form of myself I decided to make a change in 2016. I beat obesity by gaining the knowledge for healthy, real-life living.

In December of 2017, I left my long-time Paralegal career to become a full-time Personal Trainer. My focus now is helping clients find the power to believe in themselves as they embark on their own personal wellness journey. There’s no magic pill – the magic is you!!! 

Julie Carlsen


Certified Personal Trainer

Personal Training allows me to share my Love of fitness with you. I want to help you achieve and Bust your fitness goals. Together we will Soar to New Heights.

Health and fitness is a journey in life that can be challenging. I am here to help you with those challenges and to chose the best for you. I have been on my journey for a long time and will continue with this journey to be the best that I can be. To live my Life to the fullest, enjoying the things that I love to do.



All classes are included in your membership fee. If you are NOT a member, it is $5 per class paid to the instructor.




Full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movements while drumming to a wide array of music 


Strong Nation


12:00pm - 12:30pm - Jen/Mandy



Fat-blasting workout using music inspired by countries around the globe. Join the party; let the music move you to a healthier mind & body. There are no wrong moves in Zumba, and you will leave with a smile on your face. 


5:30pm - 6:15pm - Mandy


5:30pm - 6:15pm - Kari and Christy


6:00am - 6:45am - Mandy


Core De Force

MMA-inspired full body workout that will help chisel your core and make you leave feeling on top of the world.


2:00pm - 2:45pm - Julie


2:00pm - 2:45pm - Julie



Total Body Circuit/Butts and Guts

Full body interval workout where you will learn to use your bodyweight and some free weights to give yourself a great overall workout in a fun environment.


 5:30pm - 6:15pm - Jen



Instructor Contact Info

Jen Meyer



Julie Carlsen


Facebook @soarwithmefitness

Kari Travis



Christy Tomandl



Mandy Haenel


Facebook @rawpwrfit